Use our easy tool to check for sanctioned individuals, organizations, countries and Dual Use HS codes
- Dutch Sanction List Terrorism
- EU Consolidated Financial Sanctions List
- United Nations Consolidated Sanctions List
- USA BIS and State Department lists (optional)
- UK Sanctions List
- Australian Consolidated List
Contact us for a demo
Upload your batch file
containing up to 2,000 names or HS codes
We work our magic
And scan those records against 130,000+ sanctioned persons and organizations or 1,300+ HS codes with Dual Use
Analyze the results
Use all the information we could find and reach conclusions about the (possible) matches
Download your report
For future reference
How does
it work?
Our Features
Contact us for a demo or to setup your private sanctioncheck environment including your own subdomain (eg: and a private database. You can create accounts for up to 4 users (more on request), and scan 2,000 persons / companies / HS codes in a single batch.
- Unlimited use
- Multi-user
- Batch and single scan
- Reach your own conclusions
- Pre-fill using your old results
- PDF export
- Gives you as much data as possible to do your research
- Removes your data autmotically to prevent unnecessary retention
Sanctions Scan
Scan persons or companies quickly against the most common sanction lists.
How does it work?
- 7 sanction lists default
- Intelligent search system (phonetic search, fuzzy matching)
- Adjust your scan treshold
- Updated weekly
Dual Use Scan
Upload your (lists with) HS codes to check these against the
EU REGULATION 2021/821 Annex I and IV.
How does it work?
- Enter part of your HS code (6-10 digits)
- HS code descriptions
- 6.200+ HS / Dual Use codes
- 2.500+ Dual Use explanations
- Updated weekly
Free Trial
30 days free trial. Fill out the contact form and start scanning your clients within 1 business day.
Contact us
- Sanctions Scan
- Dual Use Scan
- BIC scan
- Single scan only
- 30 days free of charge
Optional packages
USA BIS & State Department lists
Scan companies and individuals against the USA Bis & State Department lists (13.000+ names)
Risk countries
Scan companies, individuals and HS codes against the EU and USA sanctioned countries.
Create accounts for up to 10 users
By default you can create up to 4 accounts
BIC scan
Scan BIC/Swift codes from your clients bank accounts to retrieve the bank name (and scan these names for sanctions).
Need 11 to 10,000 users?
Contact us for a quote
Do you miss a feature? E.g. a sanctionlist or different export formats? Please contact us.
All prices are excl. VAT and are billed yearly.